صورة اليوم من ناشونال جيوجرافيك

Nakuru Lake, Kenya: The Nakuru Lake's abundance of algae attracts the vast quantity of flamingos that famously line the shore. This image is from Predator Fails.

Nakuru Lake, Kenya: The Nakuru Lake's abundance of algae attracts the vast quantity of flamingos ... [Photo of the day - ژانویه 2015]

Washington, D.C.: A raccoon on a roof at night.
This image is from Raccoon: Backyard Bandit.

Washington, D.C.: A raccoon on a roof at night.
This image is from Raccoon: Backyard Bandit. [Photo of the day - ژانویه 2015]

Countless songbirds live in our gardens. Besides their beautiful songs they are also very effective biological pest controllers. This image is from Secret Garden.

Countless songbirds live in our gardens. Besides their beautiful songs they are also very effecti... [Photo of the day - ژانویه 2015]

نحن لا نحتاج كثيرا من الاصدقاء …لكن نحتاج قليلا من المصداقيه .”


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